Following a review of 2016 claims, Omega learned that just under 1 in 8 of our GP/Consultant members became unwell and received an illness benefit to cover their lost income last year. This rate was similar across all professions however with the highest level of income per capita in this category, this group was paid the most in terms of illness benefits.
Normally short term infections & viruses account for about half of all claims received under the Day One policy. Interestingly, the GP / Consultant group had a higher proportion of claims in the Muscular/Ligament/Limbs category at 28%. These types of illnesses/injuries almost completely prevent the maintenance of a working schedule. 22% of claims fell under the category of Infections & Viruses, 17% were Cancer-related and 11% in relation to Psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depression.

100% of our Day One Income Protection claims were paid in 2016, as has been the case since the policy was introduced in Ireland.
The average claim duration submitted to DG Mutual (underwriter) was 27 days, this does not include long term ongoing claims.
The average benefit payment to this group was €5572 (does not include long term claims). The average age of a claimant was 41.
As a mutual society DG, (our Day One Income Protection underwriter) exists to serve its members and is strongly geared towards their interests.